15 Questions with Cecilia Della Peruti of Gothic Tropic
What’s your favorite color and why?
Baby blue! It feels very feminine and kind of has an antidepressant quality to it haha.
What’s your favorite song to sing in the shower?
Probably Brandy vs. Monica “The Boy Is Mine” because it’s jam packed with tricky runs, I like to flex my runs in private haha.
What are you super inspired by lately?
I just revisited Pink Floyd’s live at Pompeii, so inspiring!
Favorite designer lately?
Who are some of your instagram crushes / favs?

What’s your favorite memory?
Some of my favorite memories are from camp in NJ. Where I found out I was “tender headed”, learned how to two step, played guitar for the first time, and kissed for the first time.
If you could wake up anywhere tomorrow where would you be and why?
Costa Rica. It’s one of the most beautiful countries, and the culture is equally as beautiful. Any peoples who say “pura vida” (pure life) as a greeting and goodbye, and bathing in the rain is living right.
Where’s your favorite venue you’ve played?
9:30 Club in DC. They have cupcakes and laundry!!! Also, the legendary Stone Pony because I saw my first punk show there when I was 14.
What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
I argued with the guy who put a gun to my head when I was getting mugged. I’m completely crazy in that I’ll physically fight you if you threaten my life or my friends’ lives.
Do you get star struck whenever you’re around someone? if so who?
I’ve been trying to figure that out, but any time I’ve met someone I really admire or celebrity, I don’t feel anything. I’d like to meet someone who makes me sweat balls by just being in their presence!
How do you feel about Lisa Frank?
Lisa Frank was probably my introduction to art hahah. I had all the folders, all the trapper keepers, it was escapism in the classroom.
What’s your favorite movie right now?
I just re-watched one of my favorites; The Independent. 2001 Jerry Stiller and Janeane Garofalo. Still so hilarious.
What’s your ideal Saturday?
Pool and sun with friends.
What’s your favorite new app and why.
AliExpress for shopping, it’s in my budget and I’m constantly finding crazy weird stuff which I love.
Fav snapchat filter?
Probably the wonky face pitch shifting one. I made a NY Italian grandmother character out of that one haha (videos on my IG).
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