15 Questions with VINCINT.
I’m so proud to see you making work about the tragedy that happened in Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. Could you tell me more about activism for the LGBT community?
I’ve always been an LGBT advocate and fighter, these are my people. I can’t imagine not helping in anyway that I can. I’ve done some singing events helping LGBT homeless youth and I try to volunteer whenever I can. The pulse tribute video was something that needed to be done. Michael Korte the man behind #Ham4Bey and #Gaga4Rent called me up and presented the idea to me and I immediately said yes. It was a no brainer.
CLICK HERE to watch the video.
If you had the chance to talk to yourself from five years ago, what would you tell yourself if you were feeling down?
When did you start performing music and why is it important to you?
There’s so much going on politically at the moment. As an artists, what are you most passionate about?
FUCK DONALD TRUMP!! Haha. Now that that’s out of the way, I worry a lot about the political climate of our country. The effect on our nation is drastic. My job as an artist is to talk about what’s going on, but also to bring people a sense of peace and hope. People feel like their voices and concerns aren’t being heard!
This question’s not so much a question but more of a comment. I think you’re the far-more-authentic male Beyonce and your talent amazes me.

Who are your biggest crushes on Instagram at the moment?
Who’s your style icon?
What’s one of your favorite covers to play?
What’s your favorite gif and why?
The gif where Rihanna rolls up the window on the paparazzi as she driving off but before she does she gives them this glare like “Where is your mother?” Hahaha that gif is my favorite!